In addition to the bows made by Pierre Guillaume personally, the workshop he leads produces an excellent line of bowscalled stamped ‘J.P. Bernard’ for violin, viola and cello students. J.P. Bernard bows are made from pernambuco, with frogs made from ebony and silver or nickel silver.
Assionate about fine bows, Pierre Guillaume today enjoys an unequalled reputation as expert and maker, with he owes to his conscientious and meticulous approuch to work. His authentication certificates are internationally recognised. Pierre Guillaume is in the class of the best modern French and American bow makers. His gold mounted bows in particular are very fine and good value. Pierre learnt his craft following world class masters and is inspired by old French bow makers. He has developed his own style and has a workshop in Brussels, Belgium, which attracts musicians from Europe’s largest orchestras.
除了由皮埃爾·吉約姆個人製作的弓之外,他領導的工作室還生產出一系列優秀的弓,名為「J.P. Bernard」,供小提琴、中提琴和大提琴學生使用。J.P. Bernard 弓是用巴西蘇木製成的,弓根是由烏木和銀或鎳銀製成的。
皮埃爾·吉約姆對於高品質的弓具充滿熱情,如今以專家和製造商的身份享有無與倫比的聲譽,這要歸功於他對工作的認真和細致的態度。他的鑑定證書在國際上廣受認可。皮埃爾·吉約姆是最優秀的現代法國和美國弓製造商之一。 他的黃金裝飾的弓尤其精美,性價比高。皮埃爾跟隨世界級大師學習手藝,並受到古老法國弓製造商的啟發。他已經發展出自己的風格,並在比利時布魯塞爾擁有一家工作室,吸引著來自歐洲最大的管弦樂團的音樂家。